1. Donating and receiving food is easier, more efficient and less risky with Food Cowboy.
  2. Produce donations are easier and help keep the community healthy.
  3. Connecting donors and charities is Food Cowboy’s specialty.
  4. Tax benefit paperwork is easier with Food Cowboy.
  5. We’ll make sure your good deeds get noticed – locally and through social media.
Commercial food companies (distributors, wholesale and retail markets and restaurants/caterers) can donate food to approved charities through Food Cowboy.
We specialize in fresh and prepared foods but we can handle dry pantry and non-foods as well.
About one million tons of wholesome fresh produce is wasted in wholesale and retail markets each year –about 15 tons per food bank per day. How much of that food comes to you and your agencies depends on your operating hours, storage capacity, food preferences and other factors.
We won’t share your data, such as your agency contact and existing donors lists, with anyone.
The Good Samaritan Food Donation Act protects food donors from liability for damages caused by donations of apparently wholesome food that they donate in good faith.
We understand how valuable your good name is – ours is too. That’s why we require charities to certify that any food they receive through us is good to eat before they serve it. They also agree not to disclose donors’ identifies except at the request of public health officials.
Donations (from local retail or wholesale donors) are free of charge.
We are a non-profit organization that helps companies donate food, reduce disposal costs, lower their taxes, and market themselves as good corporate citizens.